aardio 文档
aardio 范例: sqlite 库 - replace 语句
//sqlite 库 - replace 语句
import sqlite;
import console;
var db = sqlite(":memory:");
if( not db.existsTable("tableName2") ){
db.exec( "CREATE TABLE tableName(title PRIMARY KEY, length, tm);" )
db.exec( "CREATE TABLE tableName2(title,length,tm, constraint pk_tableName2 PRIMARY KEY (title,length) );")
db.exec( "REPLACE INTO tableName VALUES ('Silence of the Lambs, The', 11.8, datetime('now','localtime') );")
db.exec( "REPLACE INTO tableName2 VALUES @values;",{
values = {
{ 'Contact', 32, time.now() },
{ 'Contact', 16, time.now() }
REPLACE INTO 必须要设置所有无默认值字段的值,
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tableName (title,length,tm) VALUES (@title,@length,@tm);
UPDATE tableName SET tm=@tm WHERE title=@title",{
title = 'Silence of the Lambs, The';
length = 123;
tm = "456"
} )
for title,length,tm in db.each("SELECT * FROM tableName") {
console.log( title,length,tm );
for title,length,tm in db.each("SELECT * FROM tableName2") {
console.log( title,length,tm );
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